Allevo I Features

  • Costtype calculation
  • Costcentre calculation
  • Costunit calculation
  • Directcost calculation (*)
  • Directcostunit calculation (*)
  • Pricecomparison(**)

*) those are not yet available in the 2.0 release - they MAY be reintroduced in a following release
**) this feature is only available up from 2.0 - users of 1.2.0 are encouraged to update

You can find screenshots of those features in action in the Screenshots section

Allevo II Features

  • Teacher mode for exercise/task creation
  • Student mode for actually solving the exercises
  • Hashes to prevent manipulation of the data files
  • Table of accounts can be prepared for the students usage
  • Validation of the students input (in exercises)
  • many more :-) just try it out..

You can find screenshots of those features in action in the Screenshots section


Just check out SVN or kick my ass to make me fill this section :D